Teton Hybrid Lead

Experts agree: Your driver is too long and its head is too big. Finally, there's an alternative.

Unique New "Hybrid Driver" Launches High, Carries Long and Splits Fairways Like Nothing You've Ever Played.

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Brand New Video by Emmy Winning investigative Reporter John Summer

Teton Hybrid Lead

"With my tee shots, I usually have my fingers and toes crossed." - Bob Mooney, 15 handicap

Unfortunately, that was Bob's go-to move when he needed to find the fairway.

What's yours?

Do you knock on wood?

Rub an old rabbit's foot?

Say a little prayer?

If you're like most golfers, you're counting on either luck or divine intervention.

Because you sure as hell can't count on your driver.

Bob Mooney was in the same boat.

He was playing a brand-name model with an unwieldy shaft and a head the size of a cantaloupe.

I bet it looks a lot like the one in your bag.

Your results probably look like Bob's, too.
Teton Hybrid Lead
Teton Hybrid Lead
"I'll just either snap-hook one or slice it completely," he lamented. "I hit a dead pull for the most part and hope it fades back."

He wasn't kidding. I saw it firsthand.

On a crisp, clear morning at Quintero Golf Club in Peoria, Arizona, I watched Bob hit a handful of shots with his own driver.

The first one, according to the launch monitor, sailed 50 yards wide of the target line.

That's not a typo. It missed by 50 yards.

His next shot was a little better - a mere 40 yards off line - followed by a 35-yard miscue.

Hoo boy.
I don't mean to pick on Bob, who hit a couple of solid, straight drives befitting a 15 handicap.

But if he'd been on the golf course, those first three sidewinders would have wrecked his whole round.

Now, maybe you have an idea what happened next.

If you're guessing that Bob fixed his wayward driving, you're correct.

And when I say he fixed it, I mean he really fixed it.

In a moment, I'll tell you exactly how much Bob improved. Here's a teaser:
Teton Hybrid Lead

He increased his accuracy by a staggering 70%.

More importantly, I'll tell you how he did it - and how you can do it, too.

It was so easy. And so quick. He didn't even have to practice.

Before I get to that, though, I want to discuss the main cause of Bob's previous problems.

Again, it was probably the same as yours.

It wasn't his golf swing. It wasn't his grip or his setup or any of that.

It was his driver.
I'd rather not name the brand or the model.

Frankly, there's no point.

It's essentially the same as every other driver the big manufacturers have cranked out over the last decade or so.

You know the one: 460cc clubhead, 9o - 12o loft, 45.75-inch shaft.

But do you know why they keep building the same club over and over, making minor tweaks and huge claims with each new version?

It's because they're all chasing the same thing: more distance.

I hate to say it, but that's a fool's errand.

Thanks to strict USGA limits on equipment, the major clubmakers have pretty much maxed out on length.

It's true.

Not only do golf's governing bodies restrict things like head size, they limit distance-producing factors such as the clubface's "spring-like effect."

Well, guess what? The big manufacturers reached those boundaries years ago.

Which means that nowadays, they're fighting like hell for a measly 2 - 3 extra yards per model year.

In a moment, I'll explain a couple ways they do that - and how their little tricks are actually costing you distance.

Want proof?

According to the massive "Distance Insights" project conducted by the USGA and R&A:
Teton Hybrid Lead

Average driving distance among amateur golfers peaked at 217 yards in 2005. In 2019, the average was 216.

Again, that's not a typo.

The average amateur has actually LOST a yard since 2005.

Despite clubmakers spending mountains of cash on new technology, the only golfers to see real benefits are the pros.

Like they need it, right?

What you need, in fact, is quite different from what the big brands offer.

Let's take a brief look at...

Teton Hybrid Lead

The 3 Deadly Flaws of Your Conventional Driver

1. Its loft is too low

Do you tend to hit wild, ground-hugging bullets?

Can't seem to launch the ball high and carry hazards?
You need more loft. Simple as that.

But don't take it from me. Take it from legendary club designer and fitting guru Tom Wishon.

He wrote that if your clubhead speed is 80 - 85 MPH and your driver loft is less than 12o, you're giving up at least 10 yards off the tee.

On top of that, insufficient loft causes shots to curve more and widens your dispersion pattern.
In other words, you can blame weak distance and your slice on your driver's lack of loft.

2. The shaft is way too long

Here's another nugget from the "Did you know?" file:

The average driver length on the PGA Tour is about 45 inches.

That's shorter than the off-the-rack standard, which is now a ridiculous 45.5 - 46 inches.
Do you really think you can handle a driver that's longer than a tour pro's?
Tom Wishon sure doesn't. Here's his take:

"If you buy into the premise that the longer the driver, the longer the drive, you have just bought into a load of malarkey and you'll be destined to a constant fight with your #1 wood."

(He makes an exception for smooth swingers with a well-timed release. I like to call those "professional golfers.")
Wishon also notes that a longer shaft makes it harder to consistently strike the sweet spot - a costly mistake.

Miss the center by a mere half-inch and you'll lose about 5% of your distance. A one-inch miss deducts 10%.

That's doesn't sound so bad, until you do the math: Subtract 10% from a 216-yard drive and you're looking at just 194 yards... and a 5-iron approach instead of a 7-iron.
An extra-long shaft robs you of accuracy, too.

So why do the big brands keep stretching the driver?

Because on those rare occasions when the amateur times his swing just right, he actually will hit it farther with a longer shaft.

Sure, consistency suffers terribly. But hey, at least the manufacturer can claim a little yardage boost.

3. The head is too damn big

By now, you're probably used to swinging a 440 - 460cc clubhead. That's been the norm since around 2005.

Which begs the question:

Are giant clubheads to blame for declining distance?

While I don't have tangible proof that they are, I do know this:

Today's driver heads force you swing up on the ball - the opposite of every other club in the bag.

That means that 14 times each round (tee shots on par 4s and par 5s), you have to adjust your setup and swing.

All to accommodate a club that's too long and not lofted enough as it is.

I'll ask again: Is it any wonder you struggle with the Big Stick?
OK, so we've established that the driver you're currently playing is costing you distance, accuracy and consistency. The question is...
Teton Hybrid Lead

What's a frustrated golfer to do?

Teton Hybrid Lead

If a new, mass-market driver's not the answer...

... And you don't have the time or patience or desire to overhaul your whole swing...

... Maybe you should try hitting a different club off the tee...

Say, a hybrid.

"Oh sure," you're probably thinking. "I'm just dying to give up another 30 yards to my buddies."
Alright, fair enough.

But I'm not talking about one of the hybrids that's already in your bag.

The club I have in mind is all new. In fact, it's a whole new kind of club.
It's the brainchild of one of golf's top club designers - a guy with a dozen Golf Digest Hot List awards on his mantle.
It's unconventional.


And unmatched in its combination of distance and accuracy.

It's the club that helped our friend Bob Mooney go from 50 yards wide of the target...
To driving the ball dead on the money - as in 0 yards off line.

Bob called it a "super-hybrid."

I call it...

The Teton HxD Oversized Hybrid Driver.

Teton Hybrid Lead
Part driver. Part hybrid.

Entirely amazing.
Bob Mooney certainly agrees.

He was among the golfers who pitted their own high-end drivers against the Teton HxD, and he came away impressed - to say the least.
"It's much straighter and goes just as far as my driver," he said. "If not farther."

You'll hear more from the group momentarily.
First, let's take a quick look at the Teton HxD from grip to sole.

Specs & Details

Loft: 15o Perfect for typical amateur swing speeds. You can tee the Teton HxD lower than a standard driver, hit down on the ball like an iron and still get a high launch and long carry.

You'll also reduce if not eliminate your slice - and you may even start hitting a draw.
Teton Hybrid Lead
  • Length: 42.5" About 3 inches shorter than a regular driver, the Teton's length is comparable to a 5-wood. You'll nail the sweet spot far more often thanks to its manageable dimensions.
    Better contact = more distance and accuracy.
  • Oversized Hybrid-Style Clubhead Speaking of sweet spots, we found it with the Teton's clubhead. Smaller than a driver, larger than a standard hybrid, it's easy on the eyes and the swing.
  • Driver-Like Face Height Teton's face is taller than a hybrid and inspires confidence at address. It's also super-thin and white-hot for tons of ball speed.
  • Accuracy-Tuned Graphite Shaft With weights, flexes and torque ratings to match your swing speed, Teton's proprietary shaft has a mid-kick tip for a nice, high launch. (You'll choose your perfect shaft at checkout.)
Combine these elements and what do you get? A fairway-splitting missile launcher.
That's exactly what Josh Boggs and I had in mind.

Josh is a former Nike engineer with 12 Golf Digest Hot List awards to his credit. He's also built sticks for top-ranked tour pros.

And when I say top-ranked, I mean top-ranked. As in No. 1 in the world.

My name is Andrew Knack. I have a deep background in golf marketing and product development; I don't like to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty sure you've seen (if not played and hopefully loved) some of the clubs I've helped create.

One day, Josh and I were shooting the breeze when the "driver vs. hybrid" topic came up.
We agreed on two main points:
  1. Today's drivers simply aren't getting the job done for recreational golfers, and...
  2. Hybrids have been a godsend for the average player.
Which led to a single, obvious conclusion:

Crossing a driver with a hybrid would give golfers everything they've been missing - and everything they need.

Dependable distance... and plenty of it.

Exceptional accuracy.

And above all: hole-to-hole, round-to-round consistency.

It was a eureka moment, for sure.

And after patting ourselves on the back for a moment, we got to work.

Josh assembled a crack design team and led them through the process, trying various lengths, lofts, shapes, weights and shafts.

The combo that would become the Teton HxD emerged as the winner - but it had to clear one major hurdle before going into production:
Amateur testing.
I've already given you a glimpse of how that turned out.

In a word: Awesome.

Our friend Bob Mooney posted that eye-popping 70% improvement in his accuracy, going from an average of 27 yards off line with his driver to just 8 yards with the Teton.

And that was only the third biggest jump.

Second was 19 handicapper Mark Davies, who went from 27 yards off with his driver to just 7 with the Teton - a 74% improvement.

Afterward, Mark was ready to switch.

"The driver I have, I play 'army golf,' left and right," he said. "The Teton is amazing..."

"I think the person who designed it needs to be awarded the Nobel prize for golf."

The winner in accuracy improvement was - drumroll please - Richard Schleicher. With his own driver, Richard averaged 20 yards wide of target. With the Teton HxD - a mere 3 yards.

For good measure (pun intended), Richard was also a couple of yards longer with the Teton.

"For a 75-year-old dude who used to be a 10 handicap and is now a 28 handicap," he said," BIG difference. "

Of course, we expected the Teton HxD to win the accuracy battle, which it did handily.

Our fear, in all honesty, was that it would come up far short for distance.

I'm thrilled to report we were wrong.

Most of the test golfers posted comparable distance with the Teton vs. their own clubs (while hitting Teton MUCH straighter).
Teton Hybrid Lead
A few even hit the Teton longer, including Mike Anderson. The 16 handicapper was stunned.

"I never would have guessed in a million years that I could hit this (Teton) farther than (my driver)," he marveled, adding...

"The Teton is my new club."

It can be yours, too.

And for a lot less money than you may think.

I'll reveal the price - which comes with an unmatched guarantee - in just a moment.

If you can't wait to find out, though, and you're ready to get the Teton HxD in your hands ASAP...

I'll make it easy. All you do is...
Since you're still here, I assume you're not quite convinced that replacing your current driver with the Teton HxD is the right move.

Believe me, I get it.

The idea of swapping your tour-tested club for one you'll NEVER see in a pro's bag must seem a bit risky.

So why does it make so much sense?

A little research sheds some light on the topic.

Stanford study: You don't swing like a pro (so you shouldn't use a pro's driver).

I don't want to get too deep into the biomechanical weeds, so I'll stick to the highlights.

In a paper titled "Golf Swing Rotational Velocity: The Essential Follow-Through," a six-person team from Stanford's Department of Orthopedic Surgery examined the differences between professionals and amateurs.

Specifically, the study "analyzed angular velocity of the upper torso and pelvis throughout the golf swing and in relation to phases of the golf swing."
Teton Hybrid Lead
Their findings were hardly surprising.

"Amateurs appeared to stop their swing abruptly after impact," the study concluded, "whereas professionals continued to finish swings, indicating that professionals had more continuous and fluid rotational mechanisms."

There was a lot more to it than that, but I'll just bottom-line it:

Unlike a pro, you don't have the swing speed, swing plane or ability to consistently repeat the same motion.

You probably knew that.

And yet here you are, still flailing away with a made-for-pros driver.
Teton Hybrid Lead

Fortunately, the solution is right in front of you.

Teton Hybrid Lead
That's the Teton HxD Oversized Hybrid Driver.

I'm absolutely certain this club can transform your tee game.

I also know that its unconventional design might give you cause for pause.

That's why I have no qualms in offering...

A bullet-proof, 60-day guarantee: Get your money back if the Teton HxD doesn't whip your current driver.

I think you'll know within a few swings that the Teton HxD is just what the doctor ordered.

But I don't want you to decide after a few swings.

I want you to play entire rounds and hit range balls with it.

That's the best way to make sure it launches high enough...

Carries far enough...

And finds the fairway consistently enough...
Teton Hybrid Lead
To beat the driver you're currently playing.

I'm certain it will.

But if it doesn't, I want you to send it back within 60 days for a full product refund.

No questions asked.

No risk for you.

Now, you might be concerned about adjusting from a conventional, monster-headed driver to the Teton HxD.

It's easier than you think.

Still, to ensure your transition is problem-free, I'm including three downloadable videos from Todd Kolb, Minnesota PGA Teacher of the Year, who will help you get the most from the Teton HxD.

In these lessons, Todd explains how to:

  • Tee up the Teton at precisely the right height
  • Position the ball for maximum carry and roll
  • Increase your clubhead speed using your arms, not your body
  • Improve your release for consistently solid contact
  • Play a fairway-splitting, three-quarters shot with the Teton (a shot you simply can't hit with a standard driver)
Watch Todd's tips and your chances of success with the Teton HxD go from excellent to darn near 100%.

Finally, here's one more virtual certainty:

You won't find a better value than the Teton HxD.

Teton Hybrid Lead

Not in this game.

Not in this day and age.

And definitely not in the driver category.

You've seen what the big brands charge. You may have even paid it.

We're talking $500 minimum for a brand-new driver.

Fit it with a custom shaft and you can add another Benjamin (or two) to the bill.

You'd think spending that much cash would earn you a guarantee like the Teton's.


Hit that sucker once and it's considered "pre-owned." Meaning its value sinks like a stone.

There's no such worry with the Teton HxD.

No shocking price tag, either.

The new Teton HxD Oversized Hybrid Driver is only $97.

Yet again, I have to emphasize: That's not a typo.

Less than $500 bucks for a club that's guaranteed to outperform your current driver.

Less than 80% of the cost of comparable big name-brands.

OK, so let's see... I've offered you unbeatable value...

...Removed all risk with a 60-day guarantee...

...Presented eye-popping test results and glowing testimonials from golfers like you...

...Shared expert opinions explaining why the conventional driver is hurting your game, and...

...Detailed how the Teton HxD will help you launch higher, straighter and possibly even longer drives than you're hitting today.

You won't need luck to guide the ball into the fairway.

You can ditch the rabbit's foot and save your prayers for more important things.

It couldn't be easier. Just order your Teton HxD Oversized Hybrid Driver today - and play better golf the next time you tee it up.

Choose Your Package
Select your money-saving option below


Teton 15° Loft

Retail Price: $544

Yours Today: $ 97
Visa mastercard American Express Discover


Teton 12° + 15°

Retail Price: $743

Yours Today: $ 169
Visa mastercard American Express Discover

60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee
And Unconditional Refund Policy

mcafee Trusted Site Certified Norton
Shaft Flex Type Average Clubhead Speed Average Driving Distance
Stiff 90 MPH 250+ yards
Regular 80-90 MPH 200 - 240 yards
Senior 70-80 MPH 175 - 200 yards
Senior Plus 70 MPH 175 yards